How to…Dodge and Burn

Dodging and burning     for reference: Langford Book  pp337

Why dodge and burn:

  • To create more dimensionality  make some parts brighter, and make others recede into the shadows – increase contrast between shadow and light
  • To even out the tones in light and dark areas
    dodge: to open up the sadows- show more detail
    burn: to darken highlights – minimize ‘hot’ spots and show detail in bright areas
  • To draw your viewer’s eye to your main subject. to emphasize one part of the image/make other parts less prominent
  • To make the subject stand out by making the detail in distracting backgrounds less noticeable

Examples – printer’s notes on adding or reducing time in parts of the image







In the darkroom  dodging and burning techniques (click to enlarge images)


Example – Dodge and Burn parts of the image (click to enlarge images)