Assignments & Projects 2019

For Next class Tues Oct 1:
– 1 contact print of your first set of negatives, and
-4 printings of the same negative – each using a different filter from low contrast to high contrast (example: filters 00, 2, 3, and 5).

– also for next class – assignment 2 – take one roll of photos – using composition principles, and process the negatives.​

[Scroll down to see the current projects and assignments]

Assign# 1    Film Photo     Shutter and Aperture     Due:_________

Take 20 (or more)  photos focusing using shutter speed and aperture in your camera – goal is to achieve correct exposure while experimenting with the effect of different settings on the image

Remember to try different points of view: shoot from LOW angles, from HIGH UP, and move side to side to find best compositions.

What to photograph
1 1 subject sharp-background blurry                     use shallow depth of field(F5.6 or lower)  
2 1 photo with subject and background both in sharp focus          use deep depth of field ( F16 or higher)  
3 Lens at wide angle (zoom out – focal length 18)Take portrait of a person closeup  
4 Lens zoomed in (focal length 55 or more)Portrait of the same person  
5 Images freezing motion – (high shutter speed)  
6 Images with blurry movement (low shutter speed)  
7 Take a portrait profile from a low angle- with a bright background (person dark  and  background bright –close to windows- use sky outside-etc)     expose for the bright background  
8 Take a sequence from a fly’s viewpoint in flight
9  What do you want to photograph? Take 2 or 3  



Film Photo Assignment 2   COMPOSITION   


Take one roll of  photos focusing on composition and putting into practice correct exposure. Take at least 1 photo of each of the 5 composition principles.

Use composition principles”in camera” for each picture(compose your shots while taking the picture – take different points of view and move around to find the best composition).

Composition Principles

  1. Rule of thirds (subject placement dividing the picture area 3 vertical /3 horizontal segments– main picture elements placed where the segments intersect)
  2. Clear Centre of Interest (SIMPLIFY)Main subject clearly defined
    Examples: subject in focus /background blurry, main subject large in the picture, background is simple
  3. Symmetry(static composition – symmetrical or almost symmetrical left to right)
  4. Balanceusing visual weight  (Avoid the middle) look at the edges of the picture to find shapes that will balance each other– use strong color or tone contrasts to define elements
  5. Leading lines(real or implied perspective lines)

Suggestions on what to photograph:

  • Objects using window light and metallic reflector –
  • Objects using window light and reflector
  • one subject shot from 3 extremely different points of view
  • image with clear lines that lead to something in the distance
  • image freezing motion (high shutter speed). / image blurring motion
  • image close to subject – wide aperture to make background blurry (creates centre of interest)
  • main subject large – other elements smaller (centre of interest by size of importance)
  • image with main subjects close to the edges of the frame (balance through visual weight)
  • Image with strong light contrast
  • and
  • Take portraits of photos of objects using a window as main light source– use the window as diffuse light. and try using a reflector
    some poses you can take:
    1 Portrait/object – Place your subject 45 degrees facing toward window  no reflector
    2  Portrait – Place your subject 45 degrees facing toward window  and take 1 picture using the silver metallic reflector
    3  Profile Portrait – take 1 picture -Place your subject facing the window in profile– use a low or high angle – try various points of view
    4  Profile Portrait -Place your subject facing the window and take 1 good picture using the silver metallic reflector


Remember to try different points of view: shoot from LOW angles, from HIGH UP, and move side to side to find best compositions.   Consider composition principles to guide your arrangement of the subject and background – simple is better. Move your point of view to find the best background for the scene