Processing Step Time Agitation and Notes
1. Developer Use the development time for your film/developer/temperature combination given in the film or developer instructions. Firmly tap the tank on the top of the work surface to dislodge air bubbles. Provide initial agitation for 1 minute, and then agitate for 10 seconds at 1 minute intervals for the remainder of the development time. At end of developer time drain the tank – pour out in the sink.
2. Stop Bath 30 seconds Pour in the stop bath, and agitate continuously. Drain the tank.  POUR LIQUID BACK IN THE LARGE TANK
3. Fixer 5 minutes Pour in the fixer. Agitate continuously for the first 30 seconds, and then at 1 minute intervals. POUR LIQUID BACK IN THE LARGE TANK
4. Rinse 2 minutes Rinse the film in the tank under running water.
5. Hypo Clearing Agent 2 minutes Agitate continuously for the first 30 seconds and then at 1 minute intervals.    POUR LIQUID BACK IN THE LARGE TANK
6. Water Wash 5 minutes Remove the top from the tank. Put the hose in the top of the tank- running water for 5 min – cold or 20 Degree water only
7. Photo Flo
(Wetting Agent)
30 seconds Use the water from the SILVER WATER FILTER in the faucet labeled “for photo flo”. Provide agitation for 5 -10 seconds – move reel up and down. After photo flo wash take reel out and shake excess water onto the sink 2 or 3 times.
8. Dry in the Cabinet 30-45 min Remove the film from the reel, and hang it up to dry in the drying cabinet – just turn switch to ON – don’t use the timer. Clip the top and bottom of film.

Film Processing – Steps


Langford Basic Photography Book
Film Processing and Start black and white printing Pages:

268-275         Processing film
279                 Assessing good negatives
314-319        Making a contact print
320                 Dodge and burn